How to start PacketStreamerServer

Floodlight provides a PacketStreamer service to help developers retrieve a selected subset of the OpenFlow messages exchanged between the controller and the switches. The service is provided through a java Thrift server, started separately from floodlight.

If you are running floodlight VM, the PacketStreamerServer is started as a service, just like floodlight is, at boot time. In this case, to utilize the service, you just need to follow the REST API example at the Packet Streamer (Dev) REST API page.

If you are running floodlight on your own host, e.g., from eclipse, then you'd need to:

  1. Start your floodlight in eclipse.
  2. Make sure you have run 'ant' in your floodlight source root directory so that a floodlight.jar is built into target/. 
  3. Start PacketStreamerServer from a terminal prompt:
    java -cp <full path to floodlight.jar> net.floodlightcontroller.packetstreamer.PacketStreamerServer
    If you are running in floodlight VM, the full path to the jar is /opt/floodlight/floodlight/floodlight.jar.

For more information, refer to the Packet Streamer (Dev) REST API page.