Installation with Virtual Box

Installation with Virtual Box

Installation with Virtual Box


Follow the instructions at the IVS Installation Guide to get IVS installed and running. 


Install the packages required for virtualbox

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.2

Create a TAP interface for each virtual machine that will be running on the host. The following command creates 8 interfaces numbered veth0 to veth7.

for tap in `seq 0 7`; do sudo ip tuntap add mode tap veth$tap; sudo ip link set veth$tap up; done

Edit /etc/rc.local to automatically create the TAP interfaces at startup.

#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
for tap in `seq 0 7`; do sudo ip tuntap add mode tap veth$tap; sudo ip link set veth$tap up; done
/etc/init.d/xenon restart
exit 0

Modify the IVS configuration file /etc/default/ivs to include the virtual interfaces.

# Default to connecting to a local OpenFlow controller
DAEMON_ARGS="-c -i veth0 -i veth1 -i veth2 -i veth3 -i veth4 -i veth5 -i veth6 -i veth7"

Restart xenon to apply the changes

sudo restart xenon

To connect a virtual machine to the Xenon switch, go to the network configuration under Machine->Settings->Network, select Bridged Adapter, and then choose one of the veth interfaces.

Alternatively, the VboxManage tool can be used to edit the network configuration from the command-line.

VBoxManage modifyvm <vmname> --nic1 bridged --bridgeadapter1 <interface_to_bridge_to>

The hosts should now be able to communicate via the Xenon switch. xenon-ctl show should show traffic counters increasing on the bridged interfaces.

~$ xenon-ctl show
  kernel lookups: hit=348 missed=444 lost=0
  kernel flows=0
    0 indigo (internal)
      rx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
    1 veth0
      rx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=420 bytes=25632 errors=0 dropped=0
    2 veth1
      rx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=420 bytes=25632 errors=0 dropped=0
    3 veth2
      rx: packets=531 bytes=38992 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=261 bytes=22944 errors=0 dropped=0
    4 veth3
      rx: packets=261 bytes=22944 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=531 bytes=38992 errors=0 dropped=0
    5 veth4
      rx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=420 bytes=25632 errors=0 dropped=0
    6 veth5
      rx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=420 bytes=25632 errors=0 dropped=0
    7 veth6
      rx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=420 bytes=25632 errors=0 dropped=0
    8 veth7
      rx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=420 bytes=25632 errors=0 dropped=0
    1023 gre (gre)
      rx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=0
      tx: packets=0 bytes=0 errors=0 dropped=420