

Forwarding Flow Match Configuration

Forwarding is the default module used for Floodlight's learning switch implementation. It inserts flows in switches that routes packets from the source to the destination after the devices have been learned. When using hardware switches, the flow table memory footprint can be of concern. To help reduce the size of flows, Forwarding's match criteria can be reduced.

If you would like to specify the match fields on which Forwarding will use in flows, you can modify the following in src/main/resources/floodlightdefault.properties.

net.floodlightcontroller.forwarding.Forwarding.match=vlan, mac, ip, transport

Forwarding can match on up to the header fields above – VLAN ID, source/destination MAC addresses, source/destination IP addresses, and source/destination transport ports. If the string for the "match" key contains "vlan", "mac", "ip", or "port", the VLAN ID, MAC addresses, IP addresses, and transport ports will be included in the flow matches, respectively. You can include any combination of these keywords to specify the headers you wish to match on.

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