Quantum REST Proxy Plugin READMEv2
Pre-requisite OVS Configuraion (on each compute node)
Each OVS needs to be configured with the network controller information. Do the equivalent to the following on each compute node (you can execute it as script):
NETWORK_CONTROLERS=<comma-seperated-list-of-network-ctrls> sudo ovs-vsctl \--no-wait \-\- \--if-exists del-br br-int sudo ovs-vsctl \--no-wait add-br br-int sudo ovs-vsctl \--no-wait br-set-external-id br-int bridge-id br-int for ctrl in `echo ${NETWORK_CONTROLERS} \| tr ',' ' '` do sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller br-int "tcp:${ctrl}:6633" done
Plugin configuration (on the Quantum server node)
1. MySQL should be installed on the host. Initialize MySQL as follows (where $PASS = mysql password):
$ mysql -u root -p$PASS -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS restproxy_quantum;' $ mysql -u root -p$PASS -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS restproxy_quantum;'
2. Edit /etc/quantum/quantum.conf and set provider as:
[DEFAULT] core_plugin = quantum.plugins.bigswitch.plugin.QuantumRestProxyV2 allow_overlapping_ips = False lock_path = <path_to_which_quantum_process_can_write_to>
When using a packaged installation, setting lock_path to /run/lock/quantum will usually work. Note that the lock_path needs to be set only when installing from packages. When installing from devstack, the default value for lock_path will work.
3. Edit /etc/nova/nova.conf and set provider as:
libvirt_vif_type=ethernet libvirt_vif_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtHybridOVSBridgeDriver
4. Edit /etc/quantum/plugins/restproxy/restproxy.ini (replace <placeholder> as required):
[DATABASE] sql_connection = mysql://<username>:<password>@<database_ip>:3306/restproxy_quantum [RESTPROXY] servers=<controller_ip:port_num>,<controller_ip:port> serverauth=<username>:<password> serverssl=False
Example configuration:
[DATABASE] sql_connection = mysql://root:pass@ [RESTPROXY] servers=, serverauth=user:pass serverssl=False
5. Start the quantum service by providing the relevant configuration files
cd <quantum_path> && python <quantum_path>/bin/quantum-server --config-file /etc/quantum/quantum.conf --config-file /etc/quantum/plugins/restproxy/restproxy.ini
Running unit tests
To run tests related to the Plugin run the following from the top level Quantum directory:
./run_tests.sh quantum.tests.unit.bigswitch.test_restproxy_plugin
Testing with a dummy controller
A dummy controller which returns success for all operations has been provided. Run it as follows:
cd <quantum_path>/plugins/bigswitch/tests/ python test_server
Configure the "servers" property in restproxy.ini to, and run the quantum server. You can now tests using Quantum CLI.