Coraid and Floodlight

Coraid and Floodlight

Floodlight Use Case: Software-Defined Storage

| Aug 31, 2012
Our friends at Coraid used Floodlight to demo a Software-defined-storage use case at this year's VMWorld 2012 in San Francisco.

Alok Rishi, Coraid's Chief Software Architect, showed how one could use Floodlight's v0.85 REST APIs, controlled programmatically via the Ethercloud orchestration stack, to dynamically create isolated data flow paths end-to-end:  through the Coraid storage targets, through the Coraid initiator, then onto the VM.

We are especially excited about this demo because:

* the integration combines both virtual switches (OVS + Xen) and physical switches (openflow-enabled Arista)

* EtherCloud is controlling Floodlight entirely through REST APIs.

* the entire demo was set up in just a few days

* the demo also showcased the Avior Floodlight GUI application written by Jason Parraga

This is just one example of creating value by combining SDN controller + cloud orchestration stacks + storage +  OpenFlow enabled switches. We would love to hear more examples and ideas from you.

A block diagaram of the setup can be seen here:



Here is Alok performing the demo at VMWworld:



From left: Mike Cohen (Big Switch), Alok Rishi (Chief Architect, Coraid), P L (Big Switch), Doug Dooley (VP Product @ Coraid)


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