Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting OFTest

You can check out OFTest with git with the following command: 

    git clone git://github.com/floodlight/oftest

Quick Start

You need to have Python and Scapy installed on your system.
See 'Pre-requisites' below.

Make sure your switch is running and trying to connect to a
controller on the machine where you're running oft (normally port
6633). See below regarding run_switch.py for a script that starts
up a software switch on the test host.

Currently, switches must be running version 1.0 of OpenFlow.

      # git clone git://github.com/floodlight/oftest
      # cd oftest
         Make sure the switch you want to test is running --
         see (4) below for the reference switch example.
      # ./oft --list
      # sudo ./oft --test-spec=Echo
      # sudo ./oft --verbose --log-file=""
      # sudo ./oft --test-spec=<mod> --platform=remote --host=...

Longer Start