URI | Method | URI Arguments | Data | Data Fields | Description |
/networkService/v1.1/tenants/{tenant}/networks/{network} | PUT/POST/DELETE | Tenant: Currently ignored | {"network": { "gateway": "<IP>", "name": "<Name>" }}\ | IP: Gateway IP in "" format, can be null | Creates a new virtual network. Name and ID are required, gateway is optional. |
/networkService/v1.1/tenants/{tenant}/networks/{network}/ports/{port}/attachment | PUT/DELETE | Tenant: Currently ignored | {"attachment": {"id": "<Network ID>", "mac": "<MAC>"}} | Network ID: Network ID as a string, the one you just created | Attaches a host to a virtual network. |
/networkService/v1.1/tenants/{tenant}/networks | GET | Tenant: Currently ignored | None | None | Shows all networks and their gateway, ID, and hosts mac in json format |