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FlowScale is a project to divide and distribute traffic over multiple physical switch ports. FlowScale replicates the functionality in load balancing? appliances but using a Top of Rack (ToR) switch to distribute traffic. Using software to handle the control plane specification but switch hardware to do the forwarding gives both great flexibility and allows for low cost, high throughput deployments.

FlowScale components include:
* a Web UI to administer how traffic is divided? and providing a view of statistics and status
* OpenFlow controller sending rules based on policy configured
* OpenFlow capable ToR switch

h4. Multi-Platform

FlowScale is built on Java and may run on multiple platforms.  It has been tested on different distributions of Linux as well as Mac OS X.

h4. Software

Software may be available as a binary for Linux environments or as a source tarball.

Source software is available at ?[Github|http://github.com/InCNTRE/FlowScale] {color:#ff0000}Warning\!{color} {color:#ff0000}Software is pre-release {color}

[Quick Start Guide|Flowscale:Quick Start] gives instructions on how to get started

h4. Design documents

* [Initial Design Doc|FlowScale Home^loadbalancer-design.pdf]
* Screenshots - [Front Page |FlowScale Home^FS_front_page.png] \- [Admin |FlowScale Home^FS_groups.png]

h4. Deployments

FlowScale is currently being deployed as part of the Intrusion Detection Systems operated by the [Indiana University Information Security Office|http://protect.iu.edu/uiso] 

h4. News

[FlowScale demo at SC11|http://sc11.supercomputing.org/schedule/event_detail.php?evid=rsand101]

[Slides|http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/GEC12ExperimentationPlenary/flowscale_gec.pdf] and [Poster|http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/OFIU-GEC12-status/FlowScale_poster.pdf] from the FlowScale presentation at the GENI Engineering Conference 12 in Kansas City

h4. Community

h5. Mailing lists

FlowScale Developers mailing list [flowscale-dev@googlegroups.com|mailto:flowscale-dev@googlegroups.com]

FlowScale Announcements [flowscale-announce@googlegroups.com|mailto:flowscale-announce@googlegroups.com]

h5. Bug Tracking and Feature Requests

Issues are being tracked in [Github|http://github.com/InCNTRE/FlowScale/issues]



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