Please Report any problems or feedback to

Run From Source

Prerequisites :

Import Beacon and OpenflowJ

Flowscale's engine is the Beacon controller.   We need to download the source code for both the Beacon controller and OpenflowJ.

The latest Beacon release (1.0.2) can be found here

The latest OpenflowJ release (1.0.2) can be found here

Import FlowScale

Get FlowSclae from github

git clone git://
Resolving Target Definitions

One you move to the Eclipse workbench, you'll find that most of the bundles containt errors.  We need to resolve those errors by downloading the dependencies.

All errors should be cleared now

Deploy the Database

The database carries all the information that needs to be persistent.

Update Backend Configuration

We need to update all of the configuration values in the bundles to allow FlowScale to run, most of these values should be customized according to your own environment

Database configuration 
Switch Configuration

Some of bundles also need information about the switch or switches being used.  FlowScale will need the datapath ID of the switch.  Otherwise, it will ignore it (even if the switch connects to the controllers). For documentation purposes assume we have 2 switches..  The first with datapathId abcdefabcdef and another with datapathId 123456123456.  

Assume we would like to have the traffic output distribution from the switch on ports 5,6,7,8 for the first switch and the second switch with output distribution 15,16,17,18.

Other Optional Configuration

[coming soon]

It is time to run the FlowScale main engine

Running FlowScale

That should startup FlowScale you should see the following ports on your machine listening:

Setting up the Web User Interface "flowscale_ui"

The FlowScale engine is now running.  But you still need to interact with it.  Currently the only way is by using REST API calls.  The web interface would allow you to make those requests to the engine. The flowscale_ui directory under FlowScale provides the files to run the webui.

The WebUI was tested on Apache2.  It should, however, run on any server. We'll assume here the that the root directory is <path-to-webserver>

First of all, make sure you've got perl on the machine you are running the WebUi on. 

You will need the following perl modules to be installed.  The best way to get those modules is through CPAN.

Perl Packages Required:

Updating Absolute Paths in the code

You need to update the absolute paths included in the code.

You should be able to access the WebUI through your webserver [url]/flowscale_ui/index.cgi?action=switch

Start registering your switches  as described here .

You will need to populate those switches with flows that will get your traffic going.  The default rule is to drop all your traffic. (Not very helpful).

Start adding your groups  as described here

Run From Binary

Note: Database assumed to be mysql

Download the binary for your platform

Download the Web UI directory

Download the database dump

Configure FlowScale

There are 5 property files that are involved with FlowScale. Those files

  1. : This file belongs to the Beacon Controller.  The listening port can be edited in this file (e.g. controller.listenPort=6655 will make Beacon listen on TCP port 6655
  2. Sets the values of the main core bundle (edu.iu.incntre.flowscale) with the following possible properties (NOTE: not all properties need to be set)
    1. flowscaleController.username  - This is the username of the account used to access flowscale_db
    2. flowscaleController.password - This is the password of the account used to access flowscale_db
    3. flowscaleController.connectionString   - The connection string of the database (e.g. jdbc:mysql://
    4. flowscaleController.driverString - The Java driver used to connect to the database
    5. flowscaleController.defaultRulePriority  - The priority of the default rule (drop all traffic).  By default, this is set to 5.
    6. flowscaleController.mirrorPriority - Sets the priority of the flows that will mirror traffic Mirroring traffic to other output ports (only to be used if the switch does not support masking the input ports when mirroring).  See
    7. flowscaleController.mirroringRules - sets the mirroring rules (only to be used if the switch does not support masking the input ports when mirroring)
    8. flowscaleController.flowMirrorPorts - If you want to miror traffic from outgoing ports to other ports set this property. 
    9. flowscaleController.maximumFlowsToPush - How many flows to push onto the switch in one command (some switches crash if a large number of flows are pushed at the same time
  3. : This file is used for polling statistics from the OpenFlow switch.  The following below values could be set. 
    1. statCollector.datapathIdStrings - Set the datapath ID of the OpenFlow switches here
    2. statCollector.isQuery - boolean value if this bundle should be enabled on startup or not.  Default is true
    3. statCollector.intervalTime - Time in ms of the interval between each request to the OpenFlow switch.  E.g. if set to 30000, the switches will be queried every 30 seconds
    4. statCollector.databaseClass -  Java driver for the database
    5. statCollector.databaseDriver - database connection string
    6. statCollector.dbUsername - username of the database use to connect to the statistics tables
    7. statCollector.dpPassword - password of the database use to connect to the statistics tables
  4. : FlowScale does hotswapping as well.  The bundle edu.iu.incntre.flowscaleflowupdate handles the hotswapping thread, which is basically a daemon performing hot swapping of flows from ports with a high load to ones with a lower load. The following values could be set :
    1. flowUpdate.databaseClass - The java driver of the database
    2. flowUpdate.databaseDriver - The connection string of the database
      flowUpdate.intervalTime - The time in seconds of how long the daemon should be idle before its next run.  Setting this to a really long time might allow a port to receive a high load of traffic for a long period.  Setting it too short might result in false positives in that flows will be moved just from a burst. 
    3. flowUpdate.loadedPorts - Specify the OpenFlow switch and the outgoing ports used for balancing the outgoing traffic.  E.g. 000000000001:5,6,7,8,-000000000002:26,28,30,32,34,36,38
    4. flowUpdate.dbUsername - username that will access the hotswap tables in flowscale_db
    5. flowUpdate.dbPassword  - password that will access the hotswap tables in flowscale_db
  5. : Set the listening port (localhost only) of the OSGI console to manage the bundles
    1. commandInterface.socketPort - set the port here
  6. : Set the listening port of the embedded web interface (used to listen to REST API requests)
    1. flowscaleHttpListener.jettyListenerPort - set the port here
Configure Logging (optional)

You may want to configure the logging level and the location of the logs :

The below logback.xml file reports ERROR for the beacon controller and INFO logs for Flowscale:


  <appender name="flowscale.log">


      <pattern>%d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n</pattern>

  <root level="info">
    <appender-ref ref="flowscale.log" />
  <logger name="net.beaconcontroller" level="INFO"/>
  <logger name="edu.iu.incntre.flowscale" level="INFO"/>
  <logger name="edu.iu.incntre.flowscalehttplistener" level="INFO"/>
  <logger name="edu.iu.incntre.flowscalestatcollector" level="INFO"/>
  <logger name="edu.iu.incntre.flowscaleflowupdate" level="INFO"/>


In flowscale-controller.ini set the path for logback.xml


Run the Binary

telnet localhost 7777
telnet localhost 7777
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.


Type in ss to display the bundles

osgi> ss

Framework is launched.

id State Bundle
0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.0.v20100517
Fragments=16, 32
2 ACTIVE org.mortbay.jetty.server_6.1.25
3 ACTIVE org.openflow_1.0.2
4 ACTIVE com.mysql.jdbc_1.0.0
6 ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.log_1.2.100.v20100503
7 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi.services_3.2.100.v20100503
9 ACTIVE org.springframework.asm_3.0.4.RELEASE
10 ACTIVE edu.iu.incntre.flowscaleflowupdate_1.0.0
11 ACTIVE org.mortbay.jetty.util_6.1.25
13 ACTIVE org.springframework.core_3.0.4.RELEASE
14 ACTIVE org.springframework.context.source_3.0.4.RELEASE
15 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.io_2.0.0.M1
16 RESOLVED org.eclipse.equinox.transforms.hook_1.0.200.v20100503
17 ACTIVE org.springframework.context_3.0.4.RELEASE
18 ACTIVE org.json.simple_1.0.0
19 ACTIVE edu.iu.incntre.flowscale_1.0.0
20 ACTIVE ch.qos.logback.core_1.0.7
21 ACTIVE slf4j.api_1.7.2
23 ACTIVE org.springframework.beans_3.0.4.RELEASE
24 ACTIVE org.apache.commons.io_2.0.0
25 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotations_2.0.0.M1
26 ACTIVE org.springframework.expression_3.0.4.RELEASE
27 ACTIVE ch.qos.logback.classic_1.0.7
29 ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.2.0.v20100507
31 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.extender_2.0.0.M1
32 RESOLVED org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook_1.0.0.v20100503
33 ACTIVE jcl.over.slf4j_1.7.2
35 ACTIVE org.springframework.context.support_3.0.4.RELEASE
36 ACTIVE javax.servlet_2.5.0.v200910301333
37 ACTIVE net.beaconcontroller.core_1.0.2
38 RESOLVED net.beaconcontroller.logging.config_1.0.2
39 ACTIVE edu.iu.incntre.flowscalehttplistener_0.1.0
40 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.core_2.0.0.M1
41 ACTIVE org.springframework.aop_3.0.4.RELEASE
42 ACTIVE net.beaconcontroller.packet_1.0.2
44 ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.console.telnet_1.0.0.qualifier
45 ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.util_1.0.200.v20100503
46 ACTIVE edu.iu.incntre.flowscalestatcollector_1.0.0

Type disconnect to exit the console