
Floodlight uses a home grown module system in order to decide what will be run. The goals of this system are as follows.

Main Parts

The module system consists of a few main parts. The module loader, modules, services, a configuration file, and a file that contains the list of modules available in a jar.


A module is defined as a class that implements the IFloodlightModule interface.

 * Defines an interface for loadable Floodlight modules.
 * At a high level, these functions are called in the following order:
 * <ol>
 * <li> getServices() : what services does this module provide
 * <li> getDependencies() : list the dependencies
 * <li> init() : internal initializations (don't touch other modules)
 * <li> startUp() : external initializations (<em>do</em> touch other modules)
 * </ol>
 * @author alexreimers
public interface IFloodlightModule {

	 * Return the list of interfaces that this module implements.
	 * All interfaces must inherit IFloodlightService
	 * @return

	public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleServices();

	 * Instantiate (as needed) and return objects that implement each
	 * of the services exported by this module.  The map returned maps
	 * the implemented service to the object.  The object could be the
	 * same object or different objects for different exported services.
	 * @return The map from service interface class to service implementation
	public Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>,
	           IFloodlightService> getServiceImpls();

	 * Get a list of Modules that this module depends on.  The module system
	 * will ensure that each these dependencies is resolved before the
	 * subsequent calls to init().
	 * @return The Collection of IFloodlightServices that this module depnds
	 *         on.

	public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleDependencies();

	 * This is a hook for each module to do its <em>internal</em> initialization,
	 * e.g., call setService(context.getService("Service"))
	 * All module dependencies are resolved when this is called, but not every module
	 * is initialized.
	 * @param context
	 * @throws FloodlightModuleException

	void init(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException;

	 * This is a hook for each module to do its <em>external</em> initializations,
	 * e.g., register for callbacks or query for state in other modules
	 * It is expected that this function will not block and that modules that want
	 * non-event driven CPU will spawn their own threads.
	 * @param context

	void startUp(FloodlightModuleContext context);


A module may export one or more services. A service is defined as an interface that extends the IFloodlightService interface.

 * This is the base interface for any IFloodlightModule package that provides
 * a service.
 * @author alexreimers
public abstract interface IFloodlightService {
    // This space is intentionally left blank....don't touch it

Currently, this interface is blank. It is used to enforce type safety in our loading system.

Configuration file

The configuration file specifies which modules to explicitly load. The format is standard Java properties. It uses a key value pair. For the module list we use the key "floodlight.modules". The value is a comma separated list on modules either on one line or using the \ delimiter. Here is the default configuration for Floodlight.

floodlight.modules = net.floodlightcontroller.staticflowentry.StaticFlowEntryPusher,\

Notice that there are many modules that are loaded in this configuration are not listed here. This is because the module system automatically loads the dependencies. If a module does not provide a service it must be explicitly specified here.

Module file

To find the modules in the classpath we use Java's ServiceLoader. This requires us to list all of the classes in a file. The format of the file is the fully qualified name of the module on it's own line. The file is located in src/main/resources/META-INFO/services/net.floodlightcontroller.module.IFloodlightModule. Each jar which you are using (if you are using multiple jars, see below), should have its own META-INFO/services/net.floodlightcontroller.module.IFloodlightModule listing classes which implement IFloodlightModule. This is a sample file.


Startup sequence

Module discovery

All modules (classes that implement IFloodlightModule) in the classpath are found and we create 3 maps.

Find the minimal set of modules to load

The Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm is used to find the minimal set of modules that need to be loaded. All of the modules specified in the configuration file are added to the queue. As each module is dequeued it is added to the list of modules to be started. getModuleDependencies() is also called on the module. If it's module dependencies have not been added to the list of modules to be started they are done here. A FloodlightModuleException can be thrown here for two reasons. First is if a module or it's dependency has been specified in the configuration file but was not found. The second is if two modules provide the same service and which one to use was not specified in the configuration file.

Initialize modules

The set of modules to be loaded are iterated over and init() is called on each of them. Here the module is supposed to do two things.

The order in which init() is called is not deterministic.

Startup modules

After init() has been called on each module startUp() is then called. In this call modules are allowed to perform calls that depend upon other modules. An example would be creating database tables using the IStorageSourceService module or starting worker threads using IFloodlightProviderService's executor service.

Launching the controller via the command line

Only using floodlight.jar

If you want to run Floodlight in it's default configuration, the easiest way is to just run it via this command line.

java -jar floodlight.jar

Using multiple Jars

It is also possible to run Floodlight using multiple jars. This is useful if you want to offer another package for distribution. The command to run it is slightly different.

java -cp floodlight.jar:/path/to/other.jar net.floodlightcontroller.core.Main

-cp tells Java what jar files to use in the classpath. The net.floodlightcontroller.core.Mains specifies where the main method to start the application is.  Be sure to create MAIN-INF/services/net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightModule if your additional jar file includes classes which implement IFloodlightModule.

Specifying another configuration file

With both of the methods you can also specify a different configuration file. This is used using the -cf option.

java -cp floodlight.jar:/path/to/other.jar net.floodlightcontroller.core.Main -cf path/to/config/

The -cf must come after all the Java options are specified. This makes Java pass the argument to the program instead of the JVM. The ordering sequence of which configuration file to use is

Per module configuration options

The properties file can also specify per module configuration options. The format of the parameters is <fully qualified module name>.<config option name> = <value>. We use the fully qualified module name so any module can create configuration options specific to it's own implementation.

For example if we want to specify the REST API port in the configuration file we add this to the property file we are using.

net.floodlightcontroller.restserver.RestApiServer.port = 8080

In's init() method we parse the option.

// read our config options
Map<String, String> configOptions = context.getConfigParams(this);
String port = configOptions.get("port");
if (port != null) {
        restPort = Integer.parseInt(port);

Note that the null check is required. If no configuration option is provided the FloodlightModuleLoader will not add it to the context.

Options can also be specified via the command line as Java properties. These will override anything specified in a Floodlight properties file.

java -Dnet.floodlightcontroller.restserver.RestApiServer.port=8080 -jar floodlight.jar

Two these to note here. First is that any Java properties must be specified before -jar floodlight.jar. Anything after this will be passed to the Java executable as a command line argument. The second is that there are no spaces with the -D option.
